Sonntag, November 26, 2006

Summer in November and stinky days...

Here I am on my balcony this afternoon, November 26, in Germany. Unbelievable, that it's so warm that I can wear summer attire!
Hello everybody!

Sorry I haven’t been around much. It’s been very busy. The last weekend (of Nov. 16) had me at a birthday party on Friday until 3:30 am. on Saturday morning, not the usual fare for me. This past week has been full of good work, and yesterday, on Saturday evening, I was at another birthday party from 5 pm. until midnight, and the trio I am in played at the event, where about 60 people were present. Next Saturday I am celebrating Thanksgiving belatedly, having 10 people over for a big meal, so this week will have lots of preparations for that. So what else moves us here?

It is unseasonably warm here, with highs in the mid 60s, or about 16 Centigrade, where the normal high is more like 5 Centigrade, or the lower 40s. So I go jogging in my shorts and can sit out in the deck in summer attire, as this photo from today attests. Being a Texan, this weather makes me think I’m home. Germans are concerned about growing insect plagues since they think the critters will not be killed in this mild winter.

Something very strange has happened beginning Friday. I started getting bad cases of body odor, really piercing. I’ve never had this problem before. And nothing has changed in my life: same food, drink, same shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, always clean clothes, etc. It’s not hot, and I run just like I always do. So, help me with ideas. Maybe the water has changed? Is the feng shui here not flowing right? Is the karma going out my darma? Is this another round of puberty I’m about to go through? Well, my sex drive could use a boost, so why not? It’s been dead pan alley anyway, so maybe my body is trying to kick-start hormones, and I’ll start attracting more of the people I’ve always wanted…. In one relationship I am having a big conflict that started on Friday, so maybe the stress from this has changed my body chemistry, especially since the odor problem started the same day the conflict started. This last possibility seems to be the only plausible connection, but the possibility of a correlation does not demand a correlation.

I wish you all a pleasant smelling week with warm sun…

Your faithful Euromark

5 Kommentare:

Karen hat gesagt…

Don't know what to say about the body odor. Maybe you are becoming more German than you think :-) Enjoy your warm days. Talk about major global warming!

Chris hat gesagt…

Cool about the warm weather!

Not sure about the oder. Maybe you can cover it up with cologne? Maybe a trip to the doctor is in order? Could it be a medical condition?

Euromark hat gesagt…

Yeah, Aggie, there probably is indeed a connection there. I'm ready to resolve things, but the other person is not being too communicative at the moment - I hope this means things are being thought over.

Chris: somehow I really doubt it's a medical condition, though if it continues after the conflict is over, then I might look into that option.

Global Warming: Yes, it's happening here. In St. Moritz in Switzerland they have officially closed the ski slopes for Christmas - no snow. The only place you have snow now in the Alps is on the Glaciers, and they are melting too.

Angela O. hat gesagt…

Stuff I found say that food (garlic, spicy food and meat) can cause body odor but if it continues you may also want to see a healthcare provider to rule out "zinc deficiency, liver disease, diabetes or gastrointestinal disorders that lead to poor or incomplete digestion." Of course if you are stressed, that may be leading to poor digestion . . .

Euromark hat gesagt…

Yes, Karen, I 'm becoming more German. And I think it must be a combination of food and stress from the conflict (Thanks, Angela.)Odor has diminished considerably, so at this rate I'm not worried any more. The warm weather continues. Tuesday we should have about 55 degrees Fahrenheit in the beginning of December - unbelievable.