Samstag, Dezember 13, 2008

The Last Christmas Party

The last party for me was yesterday evening. I am very glad they are finally over. Too much of a good thing. I am now wasted - not from imbibing but from too much social interaction. And I still have a week to go. Why am I wasted? Because I never get to keeping my daily life in order - the apartment is a mess, my desk has English papers flung all over it, my pantry is a disgrace, and I am dealing with several friends who need to do homework concerning nurturing loyalty in the deepest relationships with people. And I also went through a grueling session at the dentist on Tuesday, causing me to miss 1.5 days of work.
I cannot complain about anything. Really. But at some point the social pressures to be everywhere begin to wear on you. How I long for a time like in the photo above - just sitting at the water with someone and having hours to talk about anything. I took this photo at the Elbe River in Dresden - the sun made the exposure come out the way it is.

I don't know if I will get to posting another entry before my flight to Texas or before Christmas - there is so much happening at the moment. Maybe I'll do it on the plane over Greenland.

But I wish you time for reflection and meditation, time to be thankful for everything and to think about others - Christmas is a time when many people suffer because there are empty places at the table, and they are reminded again how their lives feel empty. I hope we can all comfort each other with the true message of Christmas: God's unconditional love for all of his creation.

8 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

It is a completely mad time of year Mark - I empathise totally. I think folk get plain worn out and then wonder why they are all unable to relax and enjoy themselves. A holiday is a hard earned thing after all and these days people do not know how to wind the year down gradually.
I hope it all calms down for you from here on in and that you get to enjoy your Christmas, hard though it will be for you.
I wish you much love, support and comfort from good friends back in Texas as you face your first Christmas without your Mum.
It is a time of reflection and I know that both your parents would want you to reflect on the happy family times that you did have. It is what gives us all the strength to carry on the traditions.
Many hugs, prayers and blessings to you for a good Christmas and a happy, prosperous and wonderful 2009.

Chris hat gesagt…

What happened to the entry about Greenland?

Euromark hat gesagt…

A rather astute observation, Christopher....
They showed "Mamma Mia" on the plane, so that is what I was doing over Greenland, and then talking to a physicist from Freiburg who now works in the observatory in New Mexico.

ysfb hat gesagt…

Christmas is the day we can all just put all our pains aside and just spend time with people who need the companionship even if it's just for one day. I on the other hand can't seem to let go. Merry Christmas.

Euromark hat gesagt…

No time for a post, so this little entry will have to do for now. I am keeping busy, but hope all of you are staying safe and not too chaotic this time of the year.

Bettina hat gesagt…

Beautiful photo, Mark. Love it.

I hope you get to enjoy Texas and find time to relax, do nothing, center yourself again... All the best- and if we don't hear from each other again before: Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Lots of love, Bettina

ysfb hat gesagt…


Anonym hat gesagt…

I wish you a very Happy and prosperous New Year with loads of friends and other blessings headed your way this year ahead.