Donnerstag, August 31, 2006

Parade 800 Years Dresden / Umzug 800 Jahre Dresden

Hier ein Dampfschiff mit Frauenkirche im Hintergrund /A steamboat with the Frauenkirche church in the background.
Another marching band all dandied up /noch eine Band
The Meißen porcellan factory had a float: how do you like her dress - na, so ein Kleid für dich?
The angel atop the Art Academy /Engel von der Kunstakademie
Printing press in Dresden /Druckerei in Dresden
Martin Luther in Dresden / Martin Luther preaches in Dresden
Sunday afternoon the highlight of the 800 year birthday of Dresden took place: a fanciful parade through the city centre. From two to four in the afternoon all kinds of floats and groups paraded by giving a colourful summary of Dresden's history. Here are some of the highlights - all taken with my outstreched arms, since I am rather short. But they turned out good, me thinks! Sonntag Nachmittag hat der krönende Abschluß zur 800 jährigen Feier der Stadt Dresden stattgefunden: ein bunter Umzug durch die Innenstadt Dresdens von 14 bis 16 Uhr mit allen möglichen Gruppen, die die Geschichte Dresdens dargestellt haben. Ich selber habe mit ausgestreckten Armen diese Fotos gemacht - nicht schlecht, denke ich.

4 Kommentare:

Chris hat gesagt…

Yes the pictures did turn out very good. Thank you taking and posting them.

Euromark hat gesagt…

Dresden was almost burned to the ground by fire bombs, so it is amazing that so much has been rebuilt.

Chris hat gesagt…

Are they still mad at us about that?

Euromark hat gesagt…

While there is a feeling that this extreme degree of destruction was not necessary - the whole city was a big bonfire - the USA did (thankfully) help the country back onto its feet (the western parts, at least) with the Marshall Plan. We need something like this for the Middle East to help alleviate the horrible reputation we have gained over there.