Mittwoch, Juli 12, 2006

Freud Anyone? / S. Freud läßt Grüßen...

According to Freud, conflict is essential for generating neuroses. A conflict may exist between instinctual drives and external reality, or it may be between internal agencies such as the id and the superego or the id and the ego. These conflicts are unconscious, since the drives or wishes that seek fulfilment have been expelled from consciousness through repression or another defence mechanism. .... What have you expelled through repression or defence mechanisms? (Deutsch Leser: wenn ihr Freud verstehen könnt, könnt ihr sicher schon den Englischen Text ohne Übersetzung verstehen, oder...?) Excerpts from my translation work today ... Auszüge aus meiner Arbeit heute...

2 Kommentare:

Chris hat gesagt…

"What have you expelled through repression or defence mechanisms?"

Probably something sexual related to small furry animals.

Euromark hat gesagt…

So, that's why you like to grow a beard....