Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006

Putting the Heat Wave in Perspective / Die Hitzewelle in Perspektive

Above the west balcony in Winter /Oben der winterliche Westbalkon
Above the east balcony in winter /Oben der winterliche Ostbalkon
These two pictures should serve to remind us of how it looks here in Leipzig often for 2.5 months of the year! This year the snow started right at New Year's Day and it never really melted away until the end of March. So these two photos present "business as usual" during the first quarter of many a year. Let me embellish: it gets day at 8 am. and it is night by 4:30 pm. The high temperature is 25 Fahrenheit, low about 18 Fahrenheit, and snow showers come almost every day. So, look at my profile photo and compare it with the top photo here - they are both almost the same perspective! Whoever has been through this kind of winter should have a new appreciation of warmth and heat. Hier zwei Fotos von Januar, die dazu dienen, Perspektive zu der jetzigen Hitzewelle zu geben. So einen Winter kennt man im Süden der USA nicht - die Kälte, die kurzen Tage, und die Dauer - 2.5 Monate - machen es schrecklich. Mein Profilfoto under das obige Foto sind beinahe gleich - nur ein halbes Jahr auseinander! So lernen wir Hitze zu schätzen!?

1 Kommentar:

Chris hat gesagt…

It is do bad the season do not last about 1 week. That would be cool. A week of snow, then a heat wave, then another week of snow, etc.