Donnerstag, Juli 20, 2006

Sweating it out / Hitzestau in Europa

We are in the middle of a record-breaking heat wave. All of Europe is sufferring. Here in Leipzig it will be 100 Fahrenheit (38 C) today - very unusual. Here buildings are made of stone, built to store heat, not send it back into the air. This means you live and work in ovens during a heat wave here, since air conditioning is rare. How do people cope? Many guys walk around shirtless and shoeless, doing shopping, riding, everything "topless". The US rule "no shirt, no shoes, no service" apparantly doesn't apply. People often take work home and seek a cooler spot to function. To keep hydrated, best advice is to take a really big plastic water bottle with you all day, since there are no free refills on anything here, and you pay about €1,20 or more for a bottle (o.2 liters) of mineral water. Sleeping is difficult, since the rooms don't really cool off, and the lows are in the low 70s. All of you in sunny Texas or some such, enjoy your air conditioning! Hier erkläre ich meinen US Lesern wie wir versuchen, mit der großen Hitze umzugehen, da wir andere Bauweisen und kaum Klimaanlagen haben. Das, was in Texas normal ist, ist hier schon ein Rekord im Bezug auf Temperaturen.

3 Kommentare:

Chris hat gesagt…

That is unfortunate. Try to hang in there.

No free water sounds like a bad deal.

Where are those dudes swimming at?

Anonym hat gesagt…

So sorry, Mark...I know how you hate the heat...hope it ends soon for you!

Euromark hat gesagt…

Chris, they are swimming in a river in Switzerland. Check the link I give in the entry for the article with this and other photos.