Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006

Saturday at the Zoo /Samstagsauflug zum Zoo

Above some elephants - look, why I do believe they are having a cuddle party in the water! Oben einige Elephanten - guck mal, die machen eine Kuschelparty im Wasser!
Below the giraffe colony Unten die Giraffen

Below is the main entrance to the zoo Unten der Haupteingang
Here we are - I took the picture. Da sind wir - ich habe das Foto gemacht.
Above my friends from Pirna, Schipkau, and Elmshorn.
Yesterday I spent all afternoon with friends in the Leipzig Zoo - my first time there. It is quite impressive. I already know the Fort Worth Zoo, which is one of the best in the USA, and the Leipzig Zoo is definitely up there close to Fort Worth. It was hot and humid, so we sweated it out, but it was wonderful. Always nice to visit the relatives in the zoo and see how things are going... Gestern war Tagesauflug zum Zoo, das erste Mal für mich. Es ist beeindrückend, auf demselben Niveau wie der Zoo in Ft. Worth, der zu den besten in den USA gehört. Es war schwül, so haben wir ordentlich geschwitzt, aber alle waren begeistert. Es tut mal gut, bei der Verwandschaft im Zoo nach dem Rechten zu gucken...

4 Kommentare:

Chris hat gesagt…

Proving once again how smart elephants are.

Who are your friends?

Euromark hat gesagt…

They are all the family of Steve and Marita from Pirna: their mother, Marita's brother Olaf with his wife, daughter, and the daughter's friend.
Yes, elephants are very smart. An elephant never forgets...

Euromark hat gesagt…

The relatives in the Zoo refers to the animals - that was an attempt at a joke. Maybe the heat makes it difficult to pull off a good joke.

Chris hat gesagt…

Maybe Aggie was asking which animals were the closer relatives?

That is funny. In the winter you said that the cold makes it difficult to pull off a good joke?