Donnerstag, Juli 13, 2006

Me and My ITBS / ich und mein ITBS

You probably know I am a runner. I was running 60 minutes three times a week in the forest near my apartment - until the Wednesday before Pentecost. During that run a pain began in my right hip. Bad weather and the following weekend in Berlin prevented me from running for days, but in Berlin I was still dealing with the annoying pain. The next Wednesday I tried running again - a mistake. I have searched the internet and found I probably have ITBS, or maybe the very similar hip bursitis, both typical runner's injuries. So, I have not run for five weeks now, but there is still a small bit of pain. Yesterday evening I had to sprint to get the tram - oh for about 20 seconds - and I noticed that there was still a little pain. I exercise by swimming at the nearby lake (see Lady of the Lake post), which gives low impact movement. About once a year something happens - a pulled calf muscle, a blister on a foot, or this - to make me sit out a few weeks from running. But really, I could have used this in January, for example, when the only light comes from several feet of snow lying outside. There really isn't anything you can do about this injury, except rest from running until the pain is gone, and do a lot of stretching before running. Any of you have any experience with such sports injuries?

2 Kommentare:

Chris hat gesagt…

I hoipe you feel better soon, and can return to the full regime.

Euromark hat gesagt…

Thanks, I think all will be back to normal - I just have to be patient.